Makers of CHAMP

Name – Bill Locke (VP, Founder)

Occupation – Manager of I.T.
Hobbies – r/c planes, drones, combat robots, misc electronics, wood working, metal working, 3d printers, learning new things
Things I have made include – Drones, planes, combat robots, art pieces, jewelry, musical instruments, custom tools, the list goes on and on
Why I am a member – I am the founder of CHAMP. 2 other members and I decided one day to get some misc electronics and try to learn how to use them. 1 year later CHAMP was born and we had 6 members. I have always been a person who just wants to know how things work and how to make things. There was no place that allowed this. We made one! Most people think the most useful thing about a maker space is the tool selection. Although massively important they are of no use without people willing to show you how to use them and make things with them. THATS CHAMP!

Name – Brian Bartman (CEO, Founder)

Occupation – Sr. Software Engineer
Hobbies – Wood, metal working, programming, 3d engineering and design.
Things I have made include – 4ftx8ft CNC router, 3d printers (multiple), metal tables legs, monitor mounts, 3d carved Han Solo frozen on carbonite, Battle Box software. These are the things that I’ve made but I’ve helped on numerous other project on the CNC and 3d printer.
Why I am a Member – 1. My friends are there. 2. I can’t learn things that I’ve learned at CHAMP in isolation. I need input from different perspectives and backgrounds. 3. I don’t have the space to build the things I want at my own house. 4. I like the share the things I make with others, like the CNC, 3d printers, and battle box software. What’s the use of building a machine that never gets used by anyone, it might as well be art at that point. 5. Being at CHAMP gives me motivating to learn new things that I might have not found otherwise.

Name – Steve Scott (President)

Occupation -Design Engineer
Hobbies – Combat robotics, gaming, woodworking, many many more
Things I have made include – Art table, signs, combat robots, shirts, ditty bag, and much more.
Why I am a Member