We make cool things and we want you to make cool things as well. We can provide you with the location, tools, community for you to be able to make just about anything. We have members that do wood working, metal fabrication, electronics, combat robots, jewelry, and whatever else your heart desires.

How can we help you make cool things?

We Know Stuff

You can learn everything! We have members from every walk of life. Some of our members work with their hands, and others punch the 9-5 desk job. There’s one thing we have in common. We all have different skill sets. Regardless of what you want to do, we generally have a member who knows where to point you.

Check out some of our featured members. These guys know best!

Our Tools

We have tools for most projects. Members have access to all of it, even the dangerous tools! If you don’t know how to use something, we’ll train you how to use the tools safely. 

The Atmosphere

Admit it, sometimes the right work space makes all of the difference! Working at home can be frustrating. We have everything you need to finish projects. Even when you aren’t working we have games and vending machines. You’ll find yourself comfortable at home in our welcoming atmosphere.

Our membership

One of the things that we boast is our inexpensive membership dues. For a space like ours, there is no better bang for your buck, but our goal isn’t to just get more members. We want people who are interested in making things. You don’t need to be a pro. We can point you in the right direction.

CHAMP. is a 501(c)3 non-profit, community based collaborative workshop or Makerspace in Canton, Ohio, allowing members and guests to collaborate, share skills, and utilize our work-space in pursuit of creative projects, workshops, presentations, and lectures.